The Chariot: Brothers at Arms Page 4
"Your bills will be paid, Julio. Money is not the issue anymore. Keeping the card out of Pierre's House is."
"What if his Seeker tries to kill me?"
"They won't kill you yet. That would plunge both sides in to chaos. It would upset the entire structure of the war."
Julio sat down at the table. “Why are the brothers at war anyway? What started it?"
"No time for questions now, Julio. Pack a bag with clothes for a few days. We're going to stay in a motel until the others get here. Pierre's Seeker is close. I can sense him now. He's in the city. We have to get a move on."
"I won't let you see where I've hidden the card.” He stood and looked at her. His dark eyes held his resolve. It was obvious he would not budge on that.
"Fine. Leave it here. It's important but so is the Keeper. The Seeker won't know where to find it in here anyway."
"You didn't snoop for it?"
"No. It's too overpowering, being this close. It will be the same for the other Seeker. I can't tell where in the house it is. Only that it is here somewhere. Leave it here so that the trail goes cold. Call your job and quit it. You won't be going back. If I found you there, so can the other Seeker.” She was getting irritated at his constant flow of questions and resistance. The last Keeper was much more accommodating than Julio.
Julio thought about arguing the point further but just gave a growl of frustration. “How do I even know you're a vampire?"
Michelle opened her mouth, flashing a set of very real, very sharp fangs. “These aren't cosmetic. Shall I bite you to prove the point?"
"No, I think you've made yourself clear enough.” He studied her fangs closely as she had her mouth open. They weren't caps or fake. They were genuinely sprouting out of her gum line. It was more unnerving than he had thought it would be. He turned and went in to his bedroom, pulling a duffel bag out of his closet. He stuffed a few pairs of jeans, a couple t-shirts, some socks and some underwear in the bag. He then went in the bathroom and grabbed his hairbrush, toothbrush and electric shaver, stuffing them down the side of the bag. Motels offered their own shampoos, soaps and other toiletries so he didn't bother to pack any of that.
He slung the bag over his shoulder and walked back out to where Michelle was waiting for him. “Where are we going?"
"You tell me. You know this area better than I do. We need a motel with a vacancy, preferably somewhere with good curtains so I can make my room dark in the daytime."
"If you can sense the other Seeker, can't they sense you are here too? Doesn't it stand to reason that no matter where you go, they'll follow you?"
She considered that a moment. More than a trace of consternation showed in her expression. “You're right. Forget it. We'll stay here after all."
"Make up your mind. What sort of bodyguard are you anyway? You're very indecisive.” Julio stomped back in to his room and started unpacking the bag.
Michelle reeled at his words. They stung her as much as if he'd struck her physically. What sort of bodyguard was she? Would her indecision cause Julio to come to harm? Would it cost her House the city? For the first time in decades, Michelle felt very unsure about her job as Seeker. Finding the card was only the first step. Now she had to ensure the Keeper's safety until François could arrive. Since Pierre's Seeker was already in the city, that became the pressing issue.
She followed Julio, standing in the bedroom doorway as he unpacked his things, watching him put them away haphazardly in his dresser. “Dawn will be coming soon. I must sleep during the daytime. I will need somewhere without sunlight.” She kept her tone soft. Julio was obviously annoyed with her already so she tried not to add to his ire.
"I don't know what to do for you,” Julio replied, not looking over at her. “The only bed I own is in this room. Some light comes in through the curtains. My other bedroom is not set up for visitors, sorry. If any of my friends need to stay over, they always crash on the couch."
She looked down. She couldn't stay out on the couch. The curtains were too sheer. She'd fry before breakfast. She hated to ask him to give up his bed too. It was his house. She was the uninvited guest who barged her way in to his house and in to his life. “Then maybe we will need a motel room until we can figure this out."
Julio finished emptying the bag and stuffed it back in the closet. He walked over to her and looked down in to her oddly hued eyes. Were they green or hazel? “No. I have a spare blanket in the closet. I'll put it up over the curtains to block out the light and I'll sleep on the couch."
Michelle's nose twitched. It felt wrong to kick him out of his own room. “It will only be for a few days, until François and the others arrive. That reminds me, I need to notify him of where we are."
"You know where the phone is at,” Julio gestured toward the other room.
Michelle nodded and walked back out, picking up the phone and dialing. It was picked up on the first ring. “St. Petersburg, Florida,” she whispered. “I have him.” She waited a few moments, listening to the response. “I can sense Pierre's Seeker is near but I haven't found out who it is yet. I got here first.” Another pause. “I will. See you soon.” She hung up without so much as a goodbye.
Julio hadn't come out of the bedroom yet so she went back to peek in on him. She saw him standing on the bed, trying to maneuver the spare blanket over the curtain rods, tucking it in here and there in attempts to seal out the light. She smiled a little at that. Despite his irritation, he still followed through with his word. “It doesn't have to be perfect. As long as the light doesn't hit me directly, I'll be ok,” she offered.
"Oh, ok.” He gave the blanket another tuck just to make sure it was going to stay put. “I thought you needed total darkness."
"No. We can have light around us. Our bodies do not process sunlight anymore so if we are in its path, then we will burn."
"Why? I have heard tons of vampire stories, seen the movies, etc, but why is that?"
"We don't know. There are scientists who are trying to figure that out. It's a mystery to everyone. We don't even really know how vampirism works. I mean, we know how to turn someone else in to a vampire, but the actual mechanics of how the process affects the body is still unknown."
Julio stepped down off of the bed and smoothed the blanket down where his feet had been pressing in. He'd at least removed his boots before he got up on there. His pair of black, Oakley S.I. Assault boots sat next to the dresser. It was the only pair of shoes he currently owned. “What am I supposed to do if the other vampire comes here?"
"When the other Seeker comes here,” she gently corrected, “you come to me. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. You look like a very strong, capable man...” She paused, considering her words. She looked at his arms, noting his well-toned biceps exposed beneath the short sleeves of his uniform shirt. “However, you are not equipped to take on a vampire. We're stronger and faster than you. It's not a put-down, just a simple fact. I have no doubt that they will show up here. I don't think they will come now. Dawn is nearly here. They'll be searching for a place to wait out the day. I'll expect them at dusk however. We will need to be ready."
"Ready for what? What are they going to do?"
"Fight me for you. I'll try my best to keep it contained but if I were you, I'd put away anything breakable."
Julio gave her an uneasy look. He glanced around and then went out to the living room. Michelle leaned over and watched as he unplugged his lava lamp, carried it in to his bedroom and put it in the closet.
Lava lamp? Michelle soundlessly mouthed the words when she saw what he had gathered. The corners of her mouth curled into an amused grin. She followed him to the bedroom and sat down on the end of his bed. “For what it's worth Julio, I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Everything. Every new Keeper feels the way you do. I've seen it before. You're dragged kicking and screaming in to a fight that is not your own, but you can't back away. We Seekers barge in to your home and take over your life. You're frustrated, angry a
nd feel much like an animal trapped in a cage. Am I at least close?"
"Dead on accurate,” he admitted.
"There will be days when it will be better than this. I promise. The first few weeks, possibly few months will be hectic. Tensions run high because of the move. Hostilities are renewed to the fullest. I can explain more tonight. Call your job and tell them you quit. Then, get some sleep. I am going to need you fully rested so you can be alert tonight."
"Has anyone ever told you that you're really bossy?” Julio tried not to scowl as she rattled off the laundry list of orders.
Michelle paused and considered that. “No. Usually they call me the voice of reason.” She stood again and clasped his hand. The cool touch of her skin jarred Julio. He had forgotten how cold her body temperature had been when he shook her hand earlier. “I truly am sorry Julio. I'll do what I can to help you, but I'll need you to let me do that. Let me help you.” They stood there together for several moments, neither of them saying a word.
Julio broke the uneasy silence. “The sun will be up any moment now. I'll leave you alone.” He looked her over. “Did you bring a suitcase with you?” He didn't recall seeing one anywhere in the house.
"No, I have nothing with me except what is in my pocket. I had to travel light."
"You can, um,” he looked toward his dresser. “Second drawer are my shirts. If you want to use one to sleep in, go ahead.” He didn't stay around to see if she took him up on the offer, instead turned and walked out.
"Thanks,” she spoke as he closed the door behind him. She smiled a little at his offer. She could have easily slept in her clothes, or in nothing at all. It was so warm here in Florida, and humid too! A t-shirt might be a better way to go. She did not plan to oversleep today, not by one minute. She wanted to be up and prepared for the arrival of Pierre's Seeker. If she did happen to oversleep, she did not want to be caught naked either. Crossing the room to the dresser, she slowly pulled the second drawer open. The top shirt was bright red with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers logo on it. “Oh yeah, this area has a football team,” she mused in a soft whisper, pulling the shirt out and tossing it on the bed. She put it on then with an impish quirk of her brows, she closed that drawer and pulled open the top drawer. “Just as I suspected, socks and underwear. Let's see if he has a pair of boxers I can borrow.” She pawed through the drawer but found only briefs. “Hmm, he doesn't wear boxers.” She closed the drawer and walked back over to the bed, undressing as she went. She put on his t-shirt and then crawled beneath his covers. He had a comfortable bed. The sheets smelled good. They smelled like him. She had a mental flash of him wearing nothing but a pair of the briefs she had found in his top drawer. Where did that thought come from? I need to sleep. She was exhausted. Besides, he isn't interested anyway. He's actually kind of a jerk. She closed her eyes and snuggled to his pillow. Jerk or not, he smells good. She was asleep before she finished the next thought.
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Chapter Five
Michelle woke to the sound of rushing water. She sat bolt upright in the bed, momentarily forgetting where she was. One whiff brought it all back to mind. The room smelled like Julio. She was in St. Petersburg, Florida, in the house of the Keeper. She could smell the card as well.
She yawned, listening to the sound of the water. Julio was in the shower. Light was still bright around the edges of the blanket that he had fixed to cover the curtain. It was still daytime. That was good. She had not overslept. She'd be ready for Pierre's Seeker.
Michelle got up and peeked out of the bedroom. It was still too bright to go out in the rest of the house. She quickly closed the door and meandered around Julio's room a bit. She knew it was nosy, but it was better than sitting on the bed twiddling her thumbs until sundown. In the nightstand drawer, she found a half-empty box of condoms. “Magnums,” she murmured, smirking. She closed the drawer, then on a lark, lifted up the mattress. Her smirk held firm as she found a few nudie magazines. “Julio, you naughty boy. All this room needs now are some posters and I'd swear it belonged to a teenager."
She then walked over to the closet, peering in and finding it in disarray. Wrinkling her nose at the mess, she closed the door again. One glance at the clock told her that she still had at least half an hour until sundown and safety.
"No time to be farting around here,” she chided herself. “Form a plan of attack. Pierre's Seeker will be here as soon as it's safe. I have to be ready. Unfortunately, I can't even go out of this room to prepare until it is too late. Dilemma, dilemma.” She was caught in her thoughts, whispering them aloud when the door slowly opened. Her head jerked quickly, her guard raised.
Julio tiptoed in to the room, holding a thin bath towel around his waist. He jumped when he saw her. “Shit!"
"What?” She looked at him, perplexed.
"I thought you were still asleep. I was trying not to wake you.” He gaped at her.
His expression confused her for a moment until the realization dawned on her. She was standing in nothing but his t-shirt and her panties.
"No, you didn't wake me. I needed to get up anyway. Pierre's Seeker will be here soon I'm sure. I need to get ready.” She stared at his damp, half-naked body. Damn, he's fine. She'd noticed his biceps the night before but now she got a full view of his entire upper body. His skin tone was light coffee colored, partly due to his Latino heritage and partly from Florida sun. She saw the tattoos on his shoulders that were hidden beneath his uniform shirt the night before.
"I, um, need to grab some clothes.” He walked to the dresser and opened the drawers. With his back to her, she could see even more tattoos on his back. Michelle gawked at the intricate designs inked in to his skin.
"Sorry,” she apologized as she moved out of his way. “Nice tattoos. Did they hurt?” She shook her head as soon as the question came out. How stupid was that to ask?
"Yeah but they're worth it. I'll probably get a few more eventually.” He turned to face her, clothes in hand. “What else do you need from me before the other Seeker gets here?"
"I was hoping to have time for a shower but I can't leave this room until sundown. There's too much light out there. I checked. I'm afraid that if I take time to shower though, he or she will show up while I am in there. That would be bad."
"What if I stuck a towel over the bathroom window to block the light? Then you could just hide under a blanket to walk from here to the bathroom and you wouldn't be in the sun. Would that work?"
Michelle beamed a smile at his offer. “That would work great. Thank you.” Her appreciation was genuine.
"OK give me a minute to put this on and get the towel up. I'll come back and tell you when it's ready.” He took the clothes and exited the room, closing the door behind him.
Maybe he is not so much of a jerk after all. Michelle was silently impressed with the man. He was definitely attractive. His physique was athletic but not too bulky. She loved his medium-length, jet black hair, cut Ivy League style, parted on the right. Mostly she regarded his square jaw and full, sensuous lips. Those lips were made for kissing. They were made for bringing a variety of pleasures to a woman's body. His posture was good, shoulders back, standing straight and tall. He definitely was not a slouch. He had tiptoed into the room only because he was trying to be quiet and not wake her. His conscientiousness was not lost on her.
Michelle was still standing in the same place, lost in her musings on his delectable body, when he opened the door again.
"It's all ready for you. Put the blanket on and I'll guide you to the bathroom door."
"What?” She blinked a few times until his words sank in. “Oh yeah, thanks.” She grabbed the vellux blanket from the bed and draped it over herself. “I feel like I am a Halloween ghost about to go trick-or-treating."
He chuckled and slid his arm around her. “This way.” He slowly walked with her out of the bedroom, making sure she did not trip on the edge of the blanket as they went. “OK we are at the door frame."
"I can make it from here, thanks.” She shuffled in to the room and closed the door, then took the blanket off. There were a few towels over the window, blocking the light out rather well. He'd also placed a towel and washcloth for her on the counter. She folded up the blanket and sat it on the toilet lid for the time being. She then looked at herself in the mirror. “My hair looks like shit,” she muttered. She opened the drawers and found both a comb and a brush. “Bingo.” She brushed through her mess of tangles, wincing slightly as the bristles worked through the snarls. She knew if she tried to wash it while it was so messy, it would only be twice as hard to brush once it was done.
Once she had tamed her tangles, she undressed and stepped in to the shower. It was still damp from when Julio had used it. She turned the water on as hot as she could stand it, moaning softly as it cascaded down her tense shoulders. She grabbed the bar of soap and lathered it up on the washcloth, giving unspoken thanks that it wasn't horrible smelling. She then sniffed the shampoo. It wasn't too bad either.
She wanted nothing more than to stand under that hot spray for an hour but she knew time was of the essence. Sundown was rapidly approaching. This shower was meant to be functional rather than a relaxing treat.
She finished cleaning, got out and dried off, then put the same clothes back on. It will be nice when my clothes get here so I can at least change panties, she mused. She'd have to make due for now. She brushed through her hair thoroughly. The shower, while brief, had been invigorating. She was feeling more mentally prepared to face the Seeker.
Peeking out the door, she noticed that it was safe for her to come out. She hurried in to Julio's room and put her own clothes on. She grimaced at the odor of dirt and grime on them, especially since she had just showered. It was a necessary evil. In a few days she would have her wardrobe back. She could last until then.
"I'd offer you something to drink but I don't think I have anything you'd like,” Julio said as she exited his room, now fully dressed.